Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July! Argentine Pride!

Hola Familia,

Happy 4th of July! Nothing too different today here being the 4th of July and all. I did buy some way cool Argentine stuff though!

Lots of cool experiences this week.

Do you know how Ammon & Aaron in the Book of Mormon got so many baptisms on their mission? Well there are lots of things, but one way was that he baptized the king! Here in Roca one of the kings have been baptized. His name is Maxi Morales which just so happens to be our best friend as well. Everyone knows him and we are just racking in the contacts. He is way excited as well, and shares the gospel and his experiences with all his friends! But if you think about it, who wouldn’t share awesome experiences that the gospel brings to people you care about? It’s the GOOD NEWS!

When we went to visit them this week, we came inside and noticed all the furniture was changed and when we asked what the occasion was they told us "now we can more comfortably do our Family Home Evenings." = )

One of his friends that went to the wedding, baptism, church twice now, and many other cool experiences with Maxi, already has read a big portion of the Book of Mormon, has prayed, and consequently wants to be baptized. His name is Nicolas :) Another family came to church that are friends who were also at to the baptism. They don’t live in our area but are equally cool.

Our miracle with Jesus last week has resulted into more miracles this week. He has accepted to be baptized for the 23rd. The spirit was there and you could see the happiness in him and even more in his wife Bianca

We had a pretty cool experience with the wife’s brother who has been in the hospital. He has Epilepsy (I’m not sure if that’s what its called in english) and finally on Friday he was doing well enough that we could go visit him in the hospital. The mom who isn’t a member was really happy to see us give him a blessing. He was pretty drugged up and in “lala land” when we got there. It was actually very funny seeing him all drugged. We gave him a blessing but before we did Bianca, his sister, asked the people who were sharing the room with him (that had a sick baby) if they would like to be part of the blessing. They said yes but I was like, umm… the blessing is a one at a time thing, and so after explaining that to them they agreed to just have us bless the baby in a prayer. So we did a prayer asking for guidance and for a blessing on both the boy and the baby then I anointed and my companion gave the boy a healing blessing. After that blessing Bianca asked the other people if they would like a healing blessing as well for their baby. Bianca is so awesome, she didn’t just ask if they wanted a blessing, she also showed lots of love and bore her testimony as well and they accepted. The baby’s name is Fabrisio and they told us he had weak bones. This time my companion anointed and I blessed. I’m so grateful to be a servant of the Lord! On Sunday, Bianca´s brother was already at home and they told us the baby had already got to go home too. I know it’s not always God´s will that a priesthood blessing heals the person completely but I do know these two were both blessed greatly and their families as well.

Hermana Blanca, that was baptized a little over week ago, is just so happy and wants to help everyone. The bishop still hasn’t given her a calling so she took her own initiative. It was so funny, she decided to make us dinner everyday! She was like you guys need to eat better so I’m going to make you vegetables to eat every night. Haha I’m not too excited to eat tons of vegetables but it’s way sweet anyway!

¡Gracias por todo! ¡Los quiero tanto a ustedes! :D

Elder Tryon

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