Monday, June 27, 2011

Elder Monson Tryon, June 27, 2011
Yoo Hoo... over here!

Hola fam!

THREE BAPTISMS SATURDAY AND THREE CONFIRMATIONS SUNDAY WOOOO! It was probably the best baptism we have had. There were 120 people that came. The most we have ever had in sacrament meeting was 95!

I wish I could send pictures but my camera is still broken. I got to baptize Blanca Abadia. Definitely the biggest person I have baptized but I got it done :) When we come back to Argentina we might just be staying with her in her house. She is way cool and the next door neighbor to Ma Olga.

The other two baptisms were Maxi and Silvana Morales. Maxi is the biggest reason so many people were at the baptism. He is the world famous athlete that runs, swims and bikes. He is world famous! I think he has seen more temples in the USA than I have... (I’m jealous!) It’s been absolutely amazing teaching him and his wife. She has only been his wife since Friday though. We got to go to the wedding Friday morning. They are done a little differently here. You have to get married in a government place, it almost seemed more like a court case than a wedding ceremony to me but I loved it and more importantly they are now living one of God´s important commandments.

My companion and another missionary and I did a musical number at the baptism. Me and my comp sang while the other Elder played the piano. We did a customized version of I feel my saviors’ love. Holy smokes, me and my comp were so nervous!!! I think it turned out ok….. only a few mistakes.

Sunday we had a pretty cool experience. Usually after cool baptisms it’s kinda hard to get the work rolling again, especially this one since we have put so much into it. So Sunday after church we didn’t have too good of plans and I was praying a ton that we could find some new investigators. Well God answered the prayers as follows: (hehe) It was 7:30pm (it’s already way dark and cold at that hour) and we were heading to a certain family. On the way my companion had the thought to pass by another part member family that has a son that’s in the hospital. In this family there are 5 kids and the oldest daughter is married. The ones that aren’t members are the parents, the youngest of the kids, and the oldest daughter’s husband. One of the member’s sons is the one in the hospital and the mom told us that every time she goes to the hospital, he talks to her about the church. Well when we showed up at the house out of nowhere, not having any idea what we are going to share, the mom starts off the conversation by telling us she has had lots of time to think and pray and she needs her son baptized. (That’s always something a missionary likes hearing) We gave the mom a blessing of comfort then she had to go. THEN, the oldest daughter’s husband comes out and tells us he knows the church is true. I was like what?! We talked quite a bit, we mostly just asked questions and listened. By the end he said he wanted to start listening to us and he felt like we were the first missionaries that didn’t just pressure him all the time into getting baptized. (little does he know that is what we are doing, just more secretly! whaahaha) But the important part is we have his confidence and also we have work again to do.

Well got to go. Love you all tons!! Oh and I absolutely loved those two videos for my birthday. Thank you guys so much!!!

Elder Tryon

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