Thursday, September 8, 2011

Argentina....The second time!

It has taken us awhile to get to a place where I could download and posts this video.

On this video:
First we have us waiting at the airport in Mexico. We flew AeroMexico which was surprisingly nice.
Next we are on the plane waiting for take-off.
Then in the taxi going from the airport in Buenos Aries to the bus depot.
Next we are all getting our stuff out of the taxi.
Then getting off the bus in Nuequen and his wife (this is where we went to wait for Ma Olga's daughter, Daniella, to pick us up and we also had to drop off some things for the mission president's wife).
The last 3 are of our little room we stayed in for the first 5 nights - while were waiting and still waiting to get into our apartment/house.

So here is the beginning of our 6 month trip to Argentina......

1 comment:

  1. Cuidense mucho!! Que felicidades que ya llegaron en Argentina bien! :)
